About InvestingToolz Author

This isn’t a rags-to-riches story, but it’s a journey nonetheless. My name is Breanna, and while I may be known as an “investing expert” now, the truth is, my path to this world wasn’t always clear. It all started with a healthy dose of curiosity and a single introductory finance course in college. Who knew that one semester could spark a lifelong passion?

Back then, I was like most young adults – clueless about finances and the mysterious world of investing. I remember staring at the stock market ticker on the news, the numbers and symbols dancing across the screen like an indecipherable code. Intrigued, I enrolled in that introductory course, eager to unlock the secrets behind this complex system. To my surprise, I wasn’t just fascinated – I was hooked.

The more I learned, the more I realized the importance of financial literacy. It wasn’t just about making money – it was about understanding its power and using it to build a secure future. This newfound knowledge fueled my desire to learn, and I devoured everything I could get my hands on: books, online resources, even attending local investment seminars. My curiosity turned into a relentless pursuit of knowledge, and soon, finance wasn’t just a subject; it became my passion.

This passion led me to pursue a degree in finance, and later, a Master’s in Investment Management. The theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms was invaluable, but I craved practical experience. So, I landed my first job at a small investment firm, eager to learn from experienced professionals. Every day was a learning experience, filled with challenges and opportunities. I soaked up knowledge like a sponge, absorbing the intricacies of different investment strategies, risk management techniques, and the ever-evolving market landscape.

After a decade and a half of working in the industry, I felt like I had reached a turning point. While I enjoyed my work at the firm, a part of me yearned to share my knowledge and empower others. The idea of creating a platform to educate and guide individuals on their investment journeys began to take root. That’s how InvestingToolz.com was born in 2024.

InvestingToolz.com wasn’t just a blog; it was my way of giving back. For years, I had witnessed firsthand the confusion and fear that often hinder people from taking their first steps towards investing. My aim with the blog was to demystify the world of finance, to break down complex concepts into clear, actionable steps, and to empower individuals with the knowledge and confidence to make informed investment decisions.

The journey from a curious college student to an “investing expert” has been a long one, filled with continuous learning and a genuine desire to help others. Through InvestingToolz.com, I hope to inspire individuals to take control of their financial future and embark on their own personal investment journeys.